How to set up a paramotor wing

Setting up a paramotor wing involves several steps to ensure proper inflation and launch. Here's a detailed guide on how to set up a paramotor wing:

1. Choose a Suitable Launch Site:

  • Select a clear and open area away from obstacles such as trees, buildings, or power lines.
  • Ensure the wind is blowing directly into the chosen launch site.

2. Lay Out the Wing:

  • Unpack the paraglider wing on the ground, ensuring that it is spread out evenly.
  • Untangle any lines or risers to prevent snags during inflation.

3. Attach the Risers:

  • Connect the risers to the carabiners on the paramotor harness.
  • Confirm that the lines are untangled and correctly attached to the risers.

4. Check the Wing Layout:

  • Verify that the wing is laid out symmetrically with both sides of the canopy equally spread.
  • Ensure there are no twists in the lines.

5. Pre-Inflation Checks:

  • Confirm that the wing is facing directly into the wind.
  • Check that there are no obstacles or people in the launch path.

6. Brake Line Management:

  • Hold the brake toggles in your hands.
  • Make sure the brake lines are free from entanglements and that the toggles are not twisted.

7. Pre-Inflation Procedure:

  • Stand with your back to the wind, facing the wing.
  • Inflate the wing slightly by pulling the A-risers or applying gentle tension on the brake lines.

8. Full Inflation:

  • Gradually apply more tension on the A-risers or brake lines to achieve full inflation of the wing.
  • Maintain a balanced posture, leaning slightly forward to counter the wing's lift.

9. Check for Symmetry:

  • Ensure that both sides of the wing inflate evenly and symmetrically.
  • Verify that the wing is centered overhead.

10. Throttle Up:

  • Once the wing is fully inflated and overhead, apply throttle gradually.
  • Maintain a controlled ascent, keeping the wing directly overhead.

11. Monitor the Wing:

  • Continuously monitor the wing's position and behavior during the initial climb.
  • Be prepared to make minor brake inputs for steering adjustments.

12. Takeoff:

  • Once the wing is stable and overhead, initiate a controlled takeoff by increasing throttle and lifting off smoothly.
  • Maintain a balanced posture, and avoid sudden movements.

13. Post-Takeoff Checks:

  • Confirm that the wing is fully inflated and stable.
  • Adjust throttle to achieve the desired climb rate.

14. Transition to Cruise:

  • Gradually reduce throttle to transition from the climb to level flight.
  • Adjust your posture and control inputs to maintain a stable and comfortable flight.

Proper training with a certified paramotor instructor is essential for learning these setup and launch procedures. It's crucial to follow safety guidelines and practice under the supervision of an experienced instructor to ensure a safe and successful flight.