Paramotor Training Prices and Info

Welcome to Paramotor Arkansas Flight School and Run into the Sky Nonprofit.  

Ready to lock in these prices? Put a small deposit on any of our training packages to hold your price!

Training Deposit $750 for any training package for anytime in the future


Unlimited paramotor training which includes gear rental -  Was $3500 NOW $2950

Unlimited paramotor training / gear rental and new wing - $5900

Unlimited paramotor training/ gear rental/ new wing/ new motor / helmet - $14900

Trike transition for Paramotor Arkansas Alumni - $0

Trike transition for paramotor pilots non Alumni - $1500

Advanced training for Paramotor Arkansas Alumni, - $0

Advanced training for non Alumni - $400 per day



Unlimited paramotor training which includes gear rental - $2950

    Students must be 18 years or older

    Students must be at or under 300 pounds

    Students can pre pay for school, pay in payments using the options at checkout, or put down $750 to hold a spot and remainder to be paid in full by first day of training.

    Students will use the schools gear for training and will receive $500 Gift Card for any new wing you want on our store

     Students will also receive a $500 gift card for their first motor to use on our store.  

     Students will be able to train anytime from sun up to sun down 7 days a week.  We work with your schedule.  Some students can only train on the weekends, some can come for 2 weeks straight, some are very spriatic because of their work or home schedule.     


Unlimited paramotor training / gear rental and new wing - $5900

Everything above but you will get your first new wing to kite, fly and have until you are ready for a new wing.  Trade in your wing for $1000 credit for a new wing in our store.  Some restrictions apply.  Ask for more info.


Unlimited paramotor training/ gear rental/ new wing/ new motor / helmet - $14,900

Everything from above but you also will get a new paramotor!   Ready to fly.

With this option, you will get top notch training on your own schedule, wing, paramotor, helmet and ready to fly when you get home!  


Trike transition for Paramotor Arkansas Alumni - $0

Advanced training for Paramotor Arkansas Alumni, - $0

Are you a student graduated from Paramotor Arkansas?  Then all your advanced training including trike transition is free for life!


Trike transition for paramotor pilots non Alumni - $1500 (3 days)

Are you a foot launch pilot? Ready to transition to a trike?  This weekend class will help you go from foot launch to trike flying.  Use your gear during this class or full rental is $500.


Advanced training for non Alumni - $400 per day

Need help with Nil Wind launches?  Spot landings?  Foot drag? Big Ears? Ground Handling? Then this is the class for you.  From sun up to sun down any day of the week, we will help you dial in your take off, landing, foot dragging or even ground handling. Contact us for more information.


Self Trained and need help with your first flights/ solo - $500 per day

This class is for those of you who have your own gear, self training but want an instructor in your ear for your first solo and your first flights.  

We will go over the USPPA Syllabus to make sure you are knowledgeable of FAR103, weather, maintenance, TFR, air space and more.  We will look over your gear to make sure it is safe, adjust, hang check and pre flight to make sure your gear is safe to use.   You will use our school gear first and transition to your gear throughout the day.  We also will supply a helmet and coms to be able to talk with the instructor when taking your solo.   If your gear is not safe to use, we will give you a $500 gift certificate to use to buy a new wing on our site.  $500 towards a new motor too if necessary