Weekend Only for 2 Months Curriculum

The Weekend-only Paramotor Arkansas Curriculum spanning two months offers an intensive yet manageable learning experience for aspiring paramotor pilots. Over concentrated weekends, participants undergo a meticulously crafted program that covers fundamental ground school elements, pre-flight preparations, flight theory, and simulator training. The curriculum ensures a deep understanding of airspace regulations, emergency procedures, and the nuances of weather considerations. With an emphasis on safety and hands-on practice, the schedule accommodates towing exercises and solo flight preparations. The culmination involves supervised solo flights, providing participants the opportunity to apply acquired skills with confidence. This condensed format optimizes the learning process, allowing participants to balance their training with other commitments while immersing themselves in the exhilarating world of paramotoring.

Weekend 1 & 2: Introduction and Ground School

  • Day 1:
    • Welcome and Orientation
    • Introduction to Paramotoring
    • Safety Briefing
  • Day 2:
    • Paramotor Components and Equipment
    • Ground Handling Techniques

Weekend 3 & 4: Pre-Flight Preparation

  • Day 1:
    • Pre-flight Inspection
    • Motor Starting Procedures
  • Day 2:
    • Kiting Practice
    • Radio Communication Basics

Weekend 5 & 6: Flight Theory and Simulator Training

  • Day 1:
    • Aerodynamics and Flight Theory
    • Simulator Familiarization
  • Day 2:
    • Simulator Practice: Launch and Landing Drills

Weekend 7 & 8: In-Depth Ground School

  • Day 1:
    • Airspace and Regulations
    • Emergency Procedures
  • Day 2:
    • Weather and Wind Considerations
    • Equipment Maintenance

Weekend 9 & 10: Towing Practice and Solo Flight Preparations

  • Day 1:
    • Introduction to Towing
    • Risks and Safety Measures
  • Day 2:
    • Flying on Tow
    • Solo Flight Briefing
    • Pattern and Landing Practice

Weekend 11 & 12: Solo Flight

  • Day 1 & 2:
    • Solo Flight with Instructor Supervision
    • Pattern Practice and Landings
    • Flight Debrief and Feedback


Embarking on a weekend-only, two-month paramotor training program can be both exciting and challenging. It's important for prospective students to understand the potential difficulties associated with this condensed timeline:

  1. Intensive Learning Pace:

    • In a weekend-only schedule, each session is packed with a significant amount of information and practical exercises. This can be mentally and physically demanding, requiring focused attention and dedication.
  2. Weather Dependency:

    • Weather plays a crucial role in paramotor training. Adverse weather conditions can limit outdoor activities and practical flight sessions. Students need to be aware that sessions may be rescheduled or adjusted based on weather considerations, potentially impacting the overall schedule.
  3. Limited Practice Time Between Sessions:

    • With only a week between each training session, there is limited time for students to practice ground handling and reinforce skills. Regular practice is key to building muscle memory and confidence in handling the equipment.
  4. Solo Flight Readiness:

    • Achieving readiness for solo flights in a compressed timeframe requires consistent progress and mastery of skills. Some students may find the pace challenging, especially if they need more time to build confidence in their abilities.
  5. Physical Demands:

    • Paramotoring involves physical activities, such as ground handling and kiting. A weekend-only schedule may pose physical challenges for some participants, and they should be prepared for a degree of physical exertion.
  6. Flexibility and Adaptability:

    • Participants need to be flexible and adaptable to changes in the schedule due to weather or individual progress. Patience is crucial as the curriculum may need adjustments to ensure thorough understanding and skill development.
  7. Post-Training Practice:

    • After the formal training period, students are encouraged to continue practicing and refining their skills. A weekend-only program may require extra commitment from participants to maintain proficiency after the formal training concludes.