How do I choose the right paramotor engine?

Choosing the right paramotor engine is a crucial decision that depends on various factors. Here's a detailed guide to help you make an informed choice:

1. Pilot's Skill Level:

  • Beginner: Novice pilots may benefit from smaller, lightweight engines with simpler controls.
  • Intermediate/Advanced: Experienced pilots may prefer more powerful engines for increased performance.

2. Paramotor Type:

  • Foot-Launch vs. Wheel-Launch: Different paramotor types may require engines with specific characteristics. Foot-launch paramotors typically have different engines than those used for trike or quad configurations.

3. Weight Considerations:

  • Power-to-Weight Ratio: Consider the power-to-weight ratio of the engine. A higher ratio often results in better performance.
  • Overall Weight: Ensure that the engine's weight aligns with the paramotor's weight capacity and your comfort level.

4. Intended Use:

  • Casual Flying: For leisurely flights and training, a mid-range engine may be suitable.
  • Cross-Country Flying: Long-distance flights may require more powerful engines for better fuel efficiency and speed.

5. Fuel Type:

  • Gasoline vs. Electric: Most paramotors use gasoline engines due to their power-to-weight ratio. Electric paramotors are emerging but may have limitations in terms of flight duration.

6. Manufacturer and Support:

  • Reputable Brands: Choose engines from reputable manufacturers with a history of producing reliable paramotor engines.
  • Availability of Parts: Ensure that replacement parts and support are readily available.

7. Thrust and Propeller Compatibility:

  • Thrust Requirements: Consider the thrust generated by the engine, matching it with the paramotor's size and weight.
  • Propeller Options: Check if the engine allows for different propeller options to optimize performance.

8. Noise Level:

  • Noise Regulations: Consider noise regulations in your area. Some engines are designed to be quieter, which can be advantageous.

9. Maintenance Requirements:

  • Maintenance Intervals: Check the recommended maintenance intervals for the engine.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Some engines may offer easier maintenance with user-friendly features.

10. Cost:

  • Initial Cost: Compare the initial cost of the engine and consider it in relation to your budget.
  • Operating Costs: Factor in ongoing costs, including fuel consumption and maintenance.

11. Test Flights and Reviews:

  • Demo Flights: If possible, conduct demo flights with different engines to assess their performance.
  • Reviews and Feedback: Read reviews from other pilots to gauge the reliability and satisfaction with specific engines.

12. Legal Compliance:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the engine complies with local aviation regulations and standards.

13. Future Upgrades:

  • Compatibility: Consider whether the engine allows for future upgrades or modifications to enhance performance.

14. Training and Support:

  • Training Availability: Check if training is available for the specific engine model.
  • Technical Support: Ensure that technical support is accessible if needed.


Choosing the right paramotor engine involves balancing factors like power, weight, intended use, and personal preferences. Consult with experienced pilots, instructors, and reputable dealers to gather insights and make an informed decision based on your specific needs and goals.